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“Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education believes that high quality Religious Education (RE) is the key to enabling every child to flourish. We are committed to producing quality resources that will provide teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure that the children experience the best RE curriculum. By embracing the explicit teaching of Christian concepts and God’s big salvation story, it is hoped that the content of this syllabus will give pupils a deeper understanding of Christianity. In addition, pupils explore all major world faiths and discuss world views where appropriate.“
(Blackburn Board of Education’ – Questful RE)

  • The school follows the Blackburn Diocesan Syllabus for RE which is completely compliant with the expectations set out in the CofE statement of entitlement. We encourage children to engage with the ‘BIG questions’ and in so doing both grow in their knowledge of the Christian faith as well as other world religions but also to reflect on faith and how it speaks to them as an individual. As a single class intake school we can follow the scheme sequentially and as such we know that it is well-sequenced and includes the correct amount of coverage of Christianity alongside other world faiths.
  • There is a dedicated RE lesson in very class every week along with additional RE sessions within themed weeks / focus days / linked to key times and seasons.
  • Displays around school reflect the importance of RE as a subject within school
  • The school governors (via the Worship and Ethos group) also monitor the quality of provision
  • The content / units taught are reviewed regularly to ensure the overview remains relevant (last revision Summer 2023).

The subject leader for RE is Mrs Joanna Jennings.

Intent Statement

At Slyne-with-Hest St Luke's our ethos is embedded within the Biblical teaching of:

"Encourage one another and build we each other up." 1Thessalonians 5 v11

This key statement alongside our school motto of:

'Listen, Learn, Love and Laugh as part of God's Family'

are the threads woven through our worship and RE teaching, to allow children to flourish academically and spiritually.

As a Church of England Primary School, we aim to give all children excellent RE teaching through creative, enquiring, spiritual and challenging lessons where they are encouraged to listen, talk, share, respect and question. RE is taught every week and we follow the structure of the Blackburn Diocesan scheme – Questful RE. As part of this scheme, teaching is placed within the context of ‘God’s Big Story’ where the children are given opportunities to explore big questions about God, Creation, The Fall, People of God, Incarnation, The Gospel, Salvation and The Kingdom of God. We support pupils to understand these core concepts and how they can be applied to their everyday lives to help them encounter life’s experiences. We aim to teach respect and an understanding of diversity both within Christianity and other faiths and to cultivate children’s spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, promoting an ethos of respect and understanding for diverse beliefs and practices.

Specifically, our objectives include:

  • Encouraging Reflection: We intend to create opportunities for pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and value systems while exploring the fundamental questions of existence, purpose, and morality.

  • Developing Knowledge: Our curriculum is designed to deepen pupils’ knowledge of the Christian faith, the Bible, and key teachings, while also exposing them to the beliefs and practices of other major world religions.

  • Promoting Respect and Tolerance: We aim to equip our pupils with the skills necessary to engage with, understand, and respect others’ beliefs, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

  • Linking to Community: Our intent includes nurturing connections between the school, the church, and the wider community, encouraging pupils to actively participate in community life and service.