The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself.
— Andrew Wiles, English Mathematician
At Slyne-with-Hest, St Luke’s School, we believe that every child deserves a high-quality mathematics education that enables them to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Our intent is rooted in the belief that every child should develop a deep understanding of the concepts they are learning, which serves as the foundation for their future mathematical endeavours.
We aim for children to possess not only the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly but also the capacity to engage in reasoning and problem-solving across an array of increasingly complex challenges. This progression is carefully scaffolded from Reception through to Year 6, ensuring cumulative knowledge and understanding, as well as the development of resilience. Ultimately, we aspire to equip our pupils with the skills necessary to tackle mathematical problems confidently and with increasing independence.
To realise our intent, we implement a structured approach to mathematics education that is both comprehensive and adaptable. In Year 1 and beyond, we utilise the Red Rose Maths scheme, which is supplemented and tailored, as necessary, to meet the diverse needs of our learners. For our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our planning is underpinned by White Rose Maths, again adapted with additional quality resources as required.
Each class participates in a daily mathematics lesson, where lessons are organised into blocks. This thematic structure allows skills to be embedded and mastered, while regular revisitation of concepts ensures that learning is "sticky" and retained over time. Our lesson plans incorporate fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving elements, providing a balanced experience for all pupils.
Differentiation is a crucial element in our implementation strategy, as we strive to ensure appropriate challenge for all learners. Through the use of concrete manipulatives, interactive games and pictorial representations, we support conceptual understanding and facilitate connections across various mathematical topics. This multisensory approach enables children to grasp complex concepts more readily.
To assess understanding and inform future learning, ongoing assessments are conducted alongside more formal evaluations on a termly basis. Furthermore, we recognise the importance of cross-curricular learning and often provide opportunities for children to apply their mathematical skills in other subjects, thereby reinforcing the relevance of mathematics in their everyday lives.
The impact of our implementation is evident in the achievements of our children. Most pupils demonstrate significant progress from their individual starting points, with a commendable proportion meeting or exceeding end-of-year expectations. The deliberately designed sequences of learning foster an environment where children can develop and refine their mathematical skills consistently.
As a result, students are able to apply their knowledge independently to an increasing range of complex problems. We have observed a notable increase in children's confidence and accuracy in reasoning, which translates into their overall performance in mathematics.
In conclusion, our mathematics education model not only aims to meet the immediate educational needs of our students but also prepares them effectively for the next stage of their mathematical journey. By instilling a robust foundation in mathematical concepts, coupled with the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, we ensure that our pupils leave our school equipped with the necessary tools to navigate future challenges confidently and successfully.
Useful websites and links
EYFS Numberblocks
Children at the start of their number journey will enjoy songs and games with Numberblocks.
Maths games and puzzles
Lots of great games for all year groups.
TT Rockstars
All children in KS2 have a TT Rockstars login and can practice at home