Information for Parents
Below you will find a few pieces of information that you might find useful. As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by email at or at the end of the school day, and I will do all that I can to help.
Homework - Homework is a key part of learning in Year 6 as it helps to embed skills we have been learning in class. Weekly English and Maths homework will be set and due the following week. I would appreciate your support in encouraging your child to complete their homework and ask for extra help, if they need it, before it needs to be handed in.
Reading - In order to continue to make good progress, it is very important that you continue to listen to your child read regularly. We will also listen to your child read as much as possible in school, so please ensure that your child has their reading book with them each day. When your child has finished their book, they will be responsible for changing it themselves by selecting a book that they have not read from our reading book library. The children will also be given lots of other opportunities to read and share books in class and are encouraged to read a range of texts including class library books, books from home, and other texts that interest them.
Spelling – Each week, your child will be given spellings to learn at home. They will be tested on these the following week and new spellings sent home that day. All children will also be given a log-in for an app called ‘Spelling Shed’, so that they can practise these words and other statutory spelling words at home. Supporting your child in learning these as much as you can will help them to make good progress. This is especially important in preparation for SATs and final writing assessments, which heavily rely on children being able to spell most words from the year 5/year 6 spelling list correctly.
Times tables - In order to improve instant recall of multiplication and division facts, your child has been given a log-in for ‘Timetable Rockstars’ to help support them in their learning. It is a national expectation that all children have a secure knowledge of the 1-12 times tables, so it is important that children are prioritising any tables that they do not know!
General Reminders
- Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days (trainers, white T-Shirt and black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms (on colder days), with their school jumper).
- Children are asked to bring in their own water bottle to keep in class, which they can access throughout the day. These will be sent home at the end of each day to ensure that their water is changed regularly. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottle.