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Christian Ethos : Vision and Values

The vision for our school is encompassed within our strapline statement: 

      Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God’s family.

We believe we are here to:

  • Serve the community of our village (Slyne-with-Hest) and our families from wider afield who are part of our community. As such we listen to each other in order to flourish together.
  • Establish and foster a love of learning. As a church school we strive for the highest educational standards but within a shared belief that education is far more than learning facts or achieving a standard – to educate effectively we believe we are developing the whole child (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) and as such put worship and RE / PSHE / PE/ Music and the Arts as vital strands of what we offer.
  • Love ‘We love’ because God first loved us and we seek to demonstrate that in our dealing with all members of the community – that is not easy and not always a saying ‘yes’ to everyone but follows the model that Jesus gave. This also links to our Bible verse where we seek to ‘Encourage one another and build each other up’ (1 Thessalonians 5 v11) – every member of our school community is unique and special in God’s eyes and as such needs to be valued, included and encouraged to be the best that they can be.
  • Laugh and share in the ups and downs of life together.

All this takes place in the knowledge that we are part of God’s family.     


The school was last visited by a SIAMS inspector in March 2024. See the separate page for the report.

It states:

Slyne-with-Hest St Luke’s Church of England Primary School has strong relationships at its core. They are underpinned by the embedded Christian vision. As a result, it is highly effective in enabling the flourishing of pupils and adults in the school community. The values of listen, learn, laugh and love are truly at the heart of this caring and nurturing Church school.

Our school has very close links with St Luke's Church of England church in the village.

The vicar is the Rev Susan Seed.

Our children visit church for worship at key Christian festivals as well as part of their RE work. The Reception children visit in the Spring Term each year to explore Baptism while Year 2 and 4 develop their understanding of church.

The church is also home to the local URC congregation.

St Luke's has its own church website :