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Assessment Support at Home

As the children progress through school they are required to complete assessments at different transition points.

Children at the end of Reception (EYFS) are assessed against the 'Early Learning Goals'.

Children at the end of Year 1 (June) complete a 'Phonics screening' to assess where they are up to with early reading and decoding skills.

Children at the end of Year 2 (May) complete assessment tasks in school to help the teacher record a teacher assessment for the end of KS1.

Children at the end of Year 4 (June)  complete an online multiplication check.

Children at the end of Year 6 (w.c. 12th May 2025) complete tests (SATs) in Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Maths which are sent away for external marking. The school also completes Teacher Assessments for Writing and Science in June.

In order for you to understand what your child will be asked to do and help at home, the staff have put together the following information powerpoints and activities which will, hopefully, give a good idea about what your child should expect to be asked to complete.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us in school or discuss at your child's next parent consultation session.

In due time you will receive results / outcomes of all assessments carried out.