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At Slyne-with-Hest Primary School our English curriculum is designed to develop our pupils into confident, proficient, and passionate writers who can effectively communicate their ideas across different genres and purposes. We are committed to providing a rich and diverse range of writing opportunities that are relevant to pupils' experiences and to engage them with real-world purposes for writing.


To ensure that our children become confident writers we have a clear knowledge and skills progression for each year group linked to the Lancashire KLIPs. Furthermore, we make explicit references to the intended purpose and audience for their writing so the children know why they are studying a particular text type and the intended outcome. At Slyne-with-Hest Primary School we ensure that opportunities for writing are rich, varied, and engaging. Through high-quality teaching and learning experiences, pupils are provided with ample opportunities to explore and experiment with different forms of writing. Teachers model writing effectively, provide explicit instruction on writing techniques, and offer regular feedback that supports pupils in improving their work. We integrate writing across all aspects of the curriculum, enabling pupils to apply their skills in different contexts. We ensure that children are given opportunities for extended writing, collaborative writing, and cross-curricular writing projects to foster a love for writing and showcase its relevance in the real world.

Our approach to planning and delivering our English units follows Lancashire’s ‘Teaching Sequence and Skills’ approach. This allows our writers to: develop the desire to write; respond to and analyse texts on the genre being taught to identify the relevant features and skills; plan and gather appropriate content, knowledge and subject specific vocabulary; observe, take part in and create modelled, shared, guided, paired and independent pieces of writing; and finally present their work through a written piece or an oral piece.


At Slyne-with-Hest primary school our children make excellent progress in in their writing skills, demonstrating fluency, accuracy, creativity, and an ability to adapt their writing for different purposes and audiences. Assessment data, book looks, and pupil voice feedback are used to measure the impact of the writing curriculum on pupils' outcomes. Progress is tracked systematically, and interventions are adjusted to ensure that every child is supported to reach their full potential in writing. Children in our school are proud of their writing and develop to become confident communicators.



At Slyne with Hest Primary School we prioritise the teaching of reading skills alongside fostering a love of literature in order to develop highly proficient readers with a deep understanding of a wide range of texts and to promote reading as a fundamental life skill that underpins all learning. Through the use of high-quality texts, taught within English lessons and read to the children, we strive to nurture an enjoyment and engagement with both fiction and non-fiction texts. By the end of their schooling with us, we aim for our children to be motivated, independent and mature readers.


During the early stages of reading at Slyne-with-Hest Primary School we use the systematic, synthetic phonics planning programme ‘Red Rose Letters and Sounds’. This ensures we have a comprehensive daily planning programme for Reception and Year 1 following the ‘revisit/review, teach, practise, apply’ system. Opportunities for guided reading, shared reading, and whole-class reading are woven into daily routines, enabling pupils to develop their reading skills at their own pace while also engaging in collaborative reading experiences with their peers. Through these sessions children are given opportunities to develop their decoding skills alongside developing their comprehension skills and ability to respond to texts in a variety of ways. Every class is read to daily and children are given opportunities throughout the school day for independent reading and we work closely with parents to support children to read regularly at home.


Children in our school develop a genuine enthusiasm for reading and sharing and discussing books with their peers. Many children become avid readers who actively seek out opportunities to engage with a wide range of texts independently. The school's focus on developing reading comprehension skills results in pupils who can critically analyse, interpret, and evaluate complex texts with confidence and insight. Assessment data and regular formative assessments are used effectively to track pupils' progress in Reading and identify areas for further development. Pupils of all abilities make substantial progress in their reading skills, with disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND receiving tailored support to ensure that they achieve their full potential. The school's commitment to promoting reading for pleasure and instilling a lifelong love of literature in its pupils has a lasting impact on their academic achievements, personal development, and future success.