Late/Absence Procedures
The School day begins at 8.55am. Children may enter the school grounds and come into school from 8.45 a.m. Any child arriving after 8.55 a.m. should enter school through the main office doors with parents / accompanying adults. This will incur a "L" Late mark. Arrivals after 9.25am. will receive a mark which shows them to be in school but this will not count as a present mark and will incur an unauthorised absence. The afternoon sessions begin at 12.45pm. for KS1 and 1.15pm. for KS2. Please see our Attendance Policy on the Policies area of this Website for full details.
Please ensure you inform the school of your child's absence by 9.25am. This may be done by telephone ( 01524 823505 ) or email :
If we do not receive a message by 9.25am we will text a reminder. Failure to notify the School Office will result in an unathorised " N " mark - No reason provided for absence.