What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils, including children in the early years, thrive in the motivating environment that leaders have created. They said that it is easy to make friends. Pupils feel safe and happy at school. They said that adults care about them and will listen to them if they have any concerns or worries.
Pupils live up to the high expectations that the headteacher and staff have of them. Pupils are eager to learn. They achieve well in a range of subjects. The school’s motto, ‘Listen, learn, love and laugh as part of God’s family’, is at the heart of all that the pupils do.
Pupils treat each other with respect and kindness. Their behaviour is good. Pupils are confident that any bullying would be dealt with quickly by staff should it occur. Older pupils contribute to the life of the school as members of committees and as playtime buddies for the younger pupils. Pupils are proud of the events that they organise to raise funds for a local hospice which helps children and their families.
Pupils value the many opportunities they have to represent the school, for example, as members of sports teams, the school band and the choir. Residential trips help to build pupils’ confidence, resilience and teamwork.
(Ofsted January 2022)
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