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Keeping everyone safe

Safeguarding is a vital part of all we do in school.

We ensure that children are safe while they are on site with us or out and about on school activities while at the same time providing support for families and children where a higher level of need exists.

If you have any concerns about the safety / well being of any of our pupils please speak to the Designated Senior Leader for safeguarding (Paul Bowden) or the Deputy DSL (Katherine Waterhouse). 

We ensure that the school site is a safe environment - all gates are locked after the children have entered in the morning and then are only opened again just before the end of the day for collection. All visitors need to report to the school office to gain entry to school where they will be asked to sign in and receive a school visitors badge. At the end of the visit they need to sign out to indicate that they have left the premises. Officers of LCC / School Music Service etc should wear their own badges / lanyards during their visits.

We ensure all educational visits and off-site activities have a full risk assessment using the Lancashire Evolve system.

We ensure that all adults working in school with the children or who have any access to the children have relevant DBS checks in place. The school maintains a single central record, which records all adults (teachers / TAs/ welfare staff / governors / volunteers etc) and the checks that have been carried out.

All school staff have annual safeguarding training using the LCC approved training and the DSL and deputy DSL attend bi-annual training. There are always at least 2 governors who have attended the safer recruitment training, ensuring all appointments are carried out with due regard to safeguarding.

We work closely with other organisations (e.g. Social Services/ Family and well being team etc) to provide support for families with a greater level of need.

We have due regard to the contents of all the key safeguarding documentation - see attachments below.

The school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (September 2024) can be accessed by clicking the link above. Reference is made within this policy to a number of related policies and these can be found by clicking on the link to relevant policies below. (Please note there are a small number of hyperlinks to external agency documents within the main policy that will not work from this pdf document - they are all 'school use only' documents but anyone wishing to see them should enquire at the school office)