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History of our school

In July 2023 we celebrated 60 years since Slyne-with-Hest St Luke's Church of England Primary School moved from its old home on the A6 to its present home on Shady Lane.The school held a special week of activities from celebrating the move.  

Headteachers of the school

1882 – 1914  Miss Fishwick  (32 years)
1914 – 1920  Miss Wilkinson  (6 years)
1920 – 1953 Miss Perkin (33 years)
1953 – 1983 Mr D Chitty (30 years)
1983 – 2006 Mr R G Park (23 years)
2006 – present Mr P A Bowden

Over the years the image / logo has changed on a number of occasions. As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations the children have worked with local artist Chas Jacobs to design a logo for the 21st century. We have also re-wriiten our school mission statement to reflect who we are today.

In 1870 an education act was passed that said that every parent should give their child efficient elementary instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic. To see that this law was enforced school boards or Local Authorities were set up.

The first recorded school in Slyne was held either in an outhouse of a large house above the Cross Keys or a kiln house below the kiln cottages.

On April 6th 1877 the ‘new’school was opened on the main road. Since the parish was not well provided with communal buildings the school hall was also used as a church for the first 30 years of its life. The curate from the neighbouring village made regular visits to both the school and church.

When the school was first built the population of Slyne was just 350 – there are no records of how many children were on roll until 1912 when there were 93 children receiving education in 2 rooms. While the building itself was sound – built of local millstone grit and Westmorland slate – there was poor lighting (provided by oil lamps) and the only heating was from a coke boiler, which the caretaker had to light each morning it was needed. Frequently the boiler did not work and the large room became full of smoke!

The only toilets were outside – two for each sex and one for staff. They were made of earthenware and had to be cleaned out regularly. Cloakroom provision was updated in 1913. While the new headmistress of 1922 tried to improve facilities an inspection of 1927 said cleanliness was ‘inadequate’

Children could play outside only if it was fine and dry as the ground was rolled earth and became muddy very quickly. In 1926 permission was granted for the use of the adjoining field and in 1927 the playground was concreted so that it could be used all year round.

In 1946, after the end of the 2nd World War, the schools meals service began provision of a midday meal for the children. The meals were made at a centre in Carnforth and delivered in large metal containers by van. In the same year electricity came to the school for the first time and a radio and electric kettle made their first appearance!

Numbers at the school fluctuated greatly. They dropped so low in 1948 that initial plans were made for its closure but just 10 years later the school was over cramped and struggling for space.

The new school that opened in 1963