Welcome to our school website and our school. Slyne-with-Hest St Luke's CE Primary School is a Church of England Primary school situated in the lovely village of Hest Bank, approx 3 miles north of Lancaster. We have 201 children on roll, aged 4 to 11.
The school prides itself on its caring and happy atmosphere. Children entering Slyne-with-Hest St. Luke's will grow together in a school that sets high standards. We aim to provide a stimulating, happy and caring Christian environment, in which you will feel confident and where your children will flourish. The Diocesan Inspection of March 2024 said : "Slyne-with-Hest St Luke’s Church of England Primary School has strong relationships at its core. They are underpinned by the embedded Christian vision. As a result, it is highly effective in enabling the flourishing of pupils and adults in the school community. The values of listen, learn, laugh and love are truly at the heart of this caring and nurturing Church school"